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Far and high, MiGs over Africa (UK version)

(French version)

Historical overview

The National Air Force of Angola was established, after the independence of Angola, in January 21th 1976. The Roundel uses the same color scheme than the national flag:

(Images from Wikimedia and Wikipedia)

Aircraft Inventory

In the beginning, most of the inventory came from the Portuguese Air Force legacy. Little by little, the National Air Force of Angola has completely renewed its fighters. The current inventory is shown below:

Manufacturer and type In service Comments
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 ML
10 of them will soon be retired
Sukhoi 27 S
Bought from Belarus
Sukhoi 27 UB
Retrofit in process to match the MiG 34 needs
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-34 MK
Bought from Ukraine and Russia

The planes are based at Luanda, Belas, Luena, Kuito, Lubango and Mocamedes air force bases.

(Images from Wikimedia)


Photos of the Angola air force planes are very rare. Most of the documents shown below come from the far-maroc forum.

MiG 23 Flogger :

Sukhoi 27 Flanker :

The brand new MiG 34 has been seen several time by spy satellites. Anyway, no close-up photo are available. The following model kit has been realised using explanations and drawings sent by the Luanda Air force base workers. The work-in-progress of this kit can be seen on the fighters.forumactif site.

MiG 34 Fahrenheit :

Extract from « Far and high, MiGs over Africa » by Jonas LEITCH